  q_common_descriptions.description AS alt, 
  q_images.image_id AS images_image_id 
  LEFT JOIN q_images ON q_images_links.detailed_id = q_images.image_id 
  LEFT JOIN q_common_descriptions ON q_common_descriptions.object_id = q_images.image_id 
  AND q_common_descriptions.object_holder = 'images' 
  AND q_common_descriptions.lang_code = 'en' 
  q_images_links.object_type = 'product' 
  AND q_images_links.type = 'A' 
  AND q_images_links.object_id IN (
    '1559', '1560', '1561', '1562', '1563', 
    '1564', '1565', '1566', '1567', '1568', 
    '1569', '1570', '1571', '1572', '1573', 
    '1574', '1577', '1578', '1579', '1580', 
    '1581', '1582', '1583', '1584', '1585', 
    '1586', '1587', '1588', '1589', '1590', 
    '1591', '1592'

Query time 0.00175

JSON explain

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    "cost_info": {
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    "ordering_operation": {
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      "nested_loop": [
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