Template tree


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Template variables
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  • Vorfreude 10 Pack Cable Clips & Cord Management Drops 3M Self Adhesive Stick On Organizer for Car, Ethernet, PC, USB, iPhone, HDMI, or Desk (Large Single 1) White
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OPSO Apple MFi Certified Cable
2.Interface:USB 2.0 A type to Lightning
3.Connectors:USB 8 pin
4.Length:1.0m(3.3 feet)
5.Apple original chip:C48
Apple MFi Certification(Made for iPhone,iPad and iPod)
Each cable contains a unique, verified serial number and an authorization chip issued by Apple to ensure 100% compatibility with any Lightning device,genuine cable will ensure you the highest quality.
3.3 Ft 8pin Lightning to USB Cables
Date sync and charge with speed.
Replace your 3ft / 0.9m cable or add another for home, work or travel.
Compatible With:
iPhone 7 Plus / iPhone 6s Plus / 6 Plus / 5s / 5c / 5 / SE,iPad Air / Air 2 / Pro,iPad mini / mini 2 / mini 3 / mini 4,iPad(4th generation),iPod nano and iPod touch (5th generation).
NOT compatialbe with iPhone 4 4S,iPad2, iPad 3,iPod Nano 6,iPod Touch 4 or earlier versions.
Hassle-Free Warranty Service
12-month warranty guarantee and friendly customer service.We provide best prices possible on the highest quality products and the most popular brands.
Please Note
1.Apple is not responsible for the operation of this device or its compliance with safety and regulatory standards.
2.Please note that the use of this accessory with iPod,iPhone,or iPad may affect wireless performance.

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  • High-performance, heavy-duty PRO cable with a Lightning connector to charge and sync your iPhone, iPad, or iPod
  • Ridiculously rugged and long-lasting. Durable braided nylon exterior has a smooth feel matched with unrivalled strength to protect against abrasion and tearing
  • Reinforced flexibility DuPont Kevlar armoured core adds durability to the cable while maintaining flexibility for use in tight areas and to prevent tangles
  • MFI certified cable made for Apple products with a lightning connector such as the iPhone 7 & iPhone 7 Plus This cable is also compatible with the latest iPad and iPod, even the iPad Pro
  • Limited lifetime warranty mophie PRO USB cables are built to last, but we will send a replacement if yours ever gets worn out or damaged
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  • Apple-certifi ed product under the MFi licensing program
  • Charge and sync all Apple devices , Android devices, e-readers, portable speakers, Bluetooth headphones, wearables and many more.
  • Support fast charging and data transfer
  • 3 feet (1 meter) long
  • Durable connector and cord
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This 6ft USB 2.0 cable features two USB ''A'' male connectors, delivering a dependable way to connect your PC to a USB hub, or connect USB 2.0 peripherals to a USB hub. Fully rated to USB 2.0 performance specifications, this high quality USB cable is backed by StarTech.com''s Lifetime Warranty.

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  • Despite the introduction of DVI and HDMI the common VGA connection is still the primary connection for most computer monitors.
  • This double-shielded cable is designed to handle analog VGA and extended VGA resolutions.
  • It features gold-plated male DE-15 (aka HD-15 or DB-15) connectors on each end for smooth corrosion-free connections.
  • It includes ferrite cores at each end which ensure that EMI and RFI interference will not enter your video system.
  • This cable is CL2 rated which indicates that it complies with fire safety and insurance standards making it safe for use through or within the walls of residential class buildings. HDMI the HDMI Logo and High-Definition Multimedia Interface are trademarks or registered trademarks of HDMI Licensing LLC in the United States and other countries.
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  • Compressed air duster for cleaning dust from keyboards and equipment
  • Promote airflow by removing dust from fans
  • Extension straw included for precision cleaning
  • The AF Invertible spray duster will solve your problems of hard to tackle dust and debris
  • Specialists in PC, workstation, office equipment and technical cleaning products
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  • Ideal for the daily commute or occasional travel, this laptop backpack offers extreme organization with pockets to hold each and every travel essential.
  • The eBags Professional Slim Junior Laptop Backpack offers a streamlined, professional look that makes it perfect for school, work, or travel, and it's made from durable twisted dobby fabric with an Airmesh padded back panel for all-day carrying comfort.
  • The interior includes a lockable laptop compartment and a tablet pocket, while the exterior boasts a crush-proof compartment to hold fragile gear. A zippered side pocket provides storage for a water bottle, while a deluxe front organizer includes a series of zippered mesh pockets, elastic pockets, card pockets, and pen loops.
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  • Material:High quality water resistant lightweight Oxford fabric and Smooth Zipper
  • Dimensions:42 x 20 x 32 cm Capacity: 24 Liters
  • Adjustable padded Reinforced Strap,Reinforced bottom,fits 15.6inch laptop notebook
  • It is a great backpack for casual life. You can take it to school, college, shopping, cycling, traveling etc.
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We are a professional retailer who is selling Canvas backpack, Sport bag, Travel duffles, Backpacks, Messenger bag on line. Our brand P.KU.VDSL is an emerging brand of bags. The design concept of P.KU.VDSL is causal, simple, fashionable and generous. It took us more than one month to design this rucksack from market research, design to launching. We tried our best to make every process perfect. We chose 100% cotton canvas and high quality genuine cow leather matching with high quality hardwares which is sturdy, durable and not getting rusty easily. Now we are launching this unisex canvas backpack and hope you will like it. Thanks! SPECIFICATIONS: - Condition: 100% Brand new - Fabric: Canvas + Genuine Leather - Lining material: Cotton - Adjustable shoulder strap length: 45-90cm - Weight: 0.92kg - Gender: Men & Women PRODUCT FEATURES: - Made of cotton canvas and Genuine Cow leather, The backpack feels more soft and skin-friendly. - Made of high-quality cotton canvas, matching with retro leather accessories, making the bag looks more elegant and fashionable - Large capacity design, most of your living necessities can be hold inside. - Ideal for hiking, short trip, school attendance, going out, vacation, camping, shopping and so on. NOTE: Product Image 100% In-Kind Shooting, It Is Normal That The Color cause a Little Different Due To Production Batch or Ambient Light And Different Display Resolutions. This canvas backpack is in a retro design, so the color will be a little lighter. Please consider it before purchase. WARRANTY: P.KU.VDSL Satisfaction Guaranteed -- We are so confident in the quality of our product that we offer a 45-day satisfaction guarantee! If you are unsatisfied, simply contact us to solve the problem.

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  • Cushioned Nylon Material. Seemless front pockets.
  • Two main compartment backpack. Padded front zippered organizer pocket.
  • Dedicated tablet and laptop compartments
  • Interior organizational compartments
  • Padded top handle. Padded back support. Comfort padded security pocket.
  • Carry on luggage strap for travel. Expandable mesh side pockets for drinks.
  • Laptop Compartment Dimensions: 15in x 12in x 2in. Tablet Compartment Dimensions: 15in x 9in x 0.5in.
  • Interior dimensions: 18.5in H x 13in L x 3-5.25in W. Exterior Dimensions: 19.5in H x 14in L x 6.25 W.
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tomtoc 13 inch New MacBook 2017 sleeve
This classic lightweight yet durable sleeve is perfect for protecting and transporting your new MacBook Pro 2017, as well as providing convenient everyday storage. It can also be utilized as a general purpose bag, or even used as a fashion accessory. Deluxe, high-end design and top-quality materials combined with practicality and general usefulness make the sleeve an essential purchase.

Burgundy - Perfect Fit
Go beyond the traditional black gray blue laptop sleeve, Complement your style surface laptop with rich, tone-on-tone color combinations and a clean, elegant design Burgundy laptop sleeve.

Reinforced Edges and Corners
Reinforced edges and corners offer 360° protection and safeguard against any potential damage caused by accidental dropping

Unique Zipper Opening Design
Instead of an all-round zip action which sometimes failed to keep the device in place upon opening, the sleeve is closed on three sides, which not only adds to overall security but prevents your device moving around too much in transit.

Ultra Protection
A specially-designed carry handle means you can transport your device comfortably and conveniently, while a ridge fitted inside the briefcase offers your device 360° protection from everything from zipper scratch to damage caused by knocks or bumps, The innovative self-locking zippers have been adapted to ensure that when they are 'locked' in place, the briefcase will not accidentally open, offering increased levels of protection.

Organize Your Digital Life
Two sealed pockets can easily store and transport accessories such as your charger, adapter, mouse, cables as well as everyday items like your phone, wallet, cards and pens. These pockets are sectioned off into compartments to keep your belongings organized. You will always be able to find what you need, when you need it.

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  • Padded carry handles for comfortable transportation
  • Removable shoulder strap adjusts for a custom fit, Fits devices 15.2 x 1.2 x 10.5 in
  • Luggage strap securely attaches slim case to most rolling luggage
  • Dedicated iPad or 10.1” tablet compartment
  • Multiple zippered pockets store accessories, Durable polyester material withstands your ever-changing schedule
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  • Important: Please Read Before Purchasing!!warning: Before You Make Payment, Please Ensure You Check Your Macbook Model Number in Order to Choose the Correct Size Case for Your Macbook Warning: If You Have Chosen the Incorrect Size for The Case, It Will Not Fit Your Macbook, and We Cannot Be Held Responsible for This Error.
  • For Those Who Are Unfamiliar, There Are Different Variants of Mac Book Notebook Over the Years.
  • There Are 3 Versions of Mac Book Pro 13 Cases and 2 Versions of Mac Book Pro 15 Cases Which We Are Selling on Amazon.
  • Therefore It Is Extremely Important that You Have Selected the Correct Size (model Number) so That You Will Receive the Correct Case for Your Mac Book. how To Check Your Mac Book Model Number:The Model Number Is Located on The Back of Your Mac Book, in Small Prints Which Says "model: A1 Xxx" . "xxx" Are Numerical Numbers.Model Numbers:Mac Book Air 13" : A1466 / A1369 Mac Book Pro 13" (2019/ 2018 / 2017 / 2016 Version) : A1706 (with Touch Bar) / A1708 (without Touch Bar)old Mac Book Pro 13" with Retina Display (2012 - 2015 Version) : A1502 / A1425 Old Mac Book Pro 13" with Cd Drive (2009 - 2012 Version) : A1278 Mac Book 12" : A1534 Mac Book Air 11" : A1465 / A1370
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  • The GEAR4 Buckingham Tablet Case has been drop tested to military grade standards, and is made from D3O smart material. It has a magnetic closure, and automatic wake and sleep functions when the cover is open or closed. It has several card storage slots, and can be turned into a stand for ease of use. It is compatible with the Apple iPad Air 2 and Apple iPad Pro 9.7".
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