Template tree


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Template variables
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  • No iPad Pro 12.9 is complete without a GEAR4 Buckingham tablet case. It would be like Taylor without the Swift. Pure madness.
  • Think we're kidding? Buy one and see. If you drop it, stay cool: D3O smart material will take the heat. D3O material in its raw state flows freely when moved slowly, but on shock, the molecules lock together to absorb and disperse energy, before instantly returning to their flexible state. This reaction is counter intuitive.
  • The greater the force of the impact, the more molecules lock together and the greater the protection.
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Description Style, convenience, and protection for your Samsung Galaxy S7 Edge Take this case out on the town, it comes with 2 convenient Card slots as well as an area to keep receipts, business cards, etc underneath. You cannot go wrong with this case Features: This case keeps your cell phone safe and protected in style Cut outs allow access to camera, ports and sensors.Allows easy access to all buttons, controls and ports Superior Quality, Our plastic insert is nearly unbreakable, made of the highest level quality available. Two slots for Credit cards, IDs, etc. 1 large compartment underneath as well Folds shut with a shielded magnet to protect your screen Inside case is lined with Soft microfiber material for the utmost protection Protection against scratches, drops, fingerprints, dirt and grime Quick and Easy Installation Size: Perfect fit for Samsung Galaxy S7 Edge Case ONLY, phone not included Note: the color as show in the picture may be a little different from the actual item because of color setting and lighting. Package Included: 1 x CASE for Samsung Galaxy S7 Edge

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Enhance your everyday style with this smart and sharp Leisure Business Handbag. Made of high density canvas and genuine leather, it brings us the feeling of very difference. Spacious main compartment are convenient for holding your laptop, A4 size files, pens and many other essentials. Interior features zip pockets and slip pockets for holding necessities with security. It is closed with the zip under the genuine leather flap, which offers the security with casual cool style. You can carry it by quality top handle and the detachable shoulder strap. So, distinguish your look with this stylish messenger bag!

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  • Dell 10H6F XPS 13 Ultrabook 13" GENUINE Black Leather Attache Carry Bag. Executive XPS Leather Carrying Case from Dell is specifically designed to fit Dell Laptops with screen sizes up to 13-inch.
  • Its exterior features premium leather with nylon accents, adding panache while the interior offers multiple accessory and storage pockets for business cards, pens, credit cards and other items.
  • The attache has a separate compartment for files/documents, two small top pockets for quick access to your mobile phone or keys and two hidden front pockets for passport storage and other travel documents. Padded, leather-wrap handles add carrying comfort and ease and can be tucked away when not in use.
  • The ergonomic shoulder strap is easily removed
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  • TroopLondon is a UK brand of bags made with the highest level of craftsmanship, using faux leathers, canvas, and brass hardware.
  • Their styles are perfect for the urban professional as well as the frequent traveller. All bags are built for strength, durability, and personality. Outer Material: Canvas; Strap: Cotton Webbing; Inner Material: Cotton with PU backed.
  • Adjustable and detachable canvas shoulder strap with stylish and functional metal buckle
  • Deep and spacious zip pocket across the front sections; Secure and spacious rear zip pocket
  • Dual sturdy grab handles ensure your grip on the bag whenever you are on the move
  • Main compartment has a zipper closure. Internal Features: Fully lined with 'Troop' monogrammed lining; Internal zip pocket for maximum security
  • One phone pocket; Main compartment fits A4 sized documents, folder or books
  • Deep and spacious main compartments with a zip on the top ensures your essentials and gadgets travel in safety giving you one less thing to worry.
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  • Looking for a bag to store in your laptop and other essentials
  • The Gootium Canvas Laptop Shoulder Messenger Bag offers you great style and function in one.
  • The Gootium Messenger Bag is both soft and sturdy. It is made of 100% pure cotton with durable leather piping Your laptop will remain safe and secure.
  • There is more than enough space to store your personal belongings.
  • Its leather piping ensures high quality durability. You can wear the Gootium Messenger Bag in 3 different styles thanks to its unique design. Hand-carry it, wear it as a shoulder bag, or wear it as a cross body bag and display your hippie style.
  • Travelling with gadgets doesn't need to be a hassle. Secure your stuff and look great, with the Gootium Canvas Laptop Shoulder Messenger Bag.
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  • nternal Dimensions: 13.58 x 0.79 x 9.65 inches (L x W x H); External Dimensions: 14.37 x 0.79 x 10.24 inches (L x W x H).
  • Features a polyester foam padding layer and soft fabric lining for bump and shock absorption and protection of your computer from accidental scratches.
  • Removable and adjustable padding shoulder strap varied from 27 inch to maximum 48 inch and dual sturdy handles for long time comfortably carrying, top handles also can tuck away in the pockets when not needed.
  • Side pocket of the bag is ideal for storage of small items such as MacBook mouse, earphone, cables, pens and notepads, offering added convenience. Top-loading zipper on the bag glides smoothly and allows convenient access to your laptop computer.
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Why should take this bag? This MOSISO Polyester Vertical Style Water Repellent Laptop Sleeve Case Bag Cover with Pocket offers a simple and yet fashionable way to protect your device while you are on the go. Compatible with MacBook Air 13 (A1466 A1369), MacBook Pro Retina 13 (A1502 A1425), Old MacBook Pro 13 A1278 with CD-Rom, Surface Book 2/1 13.5, Surface Laptop 2 2018/2017, Dell Inspiron 13/14, Dell Latitude E7470 14, Dell T5Y8D Latitude 5490 14, HP Elitebook 830 13.3, HP Elitebook X360 1030 13.3, HP Spectre X360 13.3, HP Envy 13, HP Stream 13/14, HP Pavilion 14, Lenovo ThinkPad X1 Carbon 2018 14 inch, Lenovo Thinkpad Carbon X1 6th Generation, Lenovo Ideapad 320s-14, Lenovo ideapad 320s-15, Lenovo IdeaPad 710S/720S 13/14 Inch, Lenovo 720 13.3/Yoga 2 Pro/Yoga 920, Asus ZenBook/Chromebook 13.3, Asus ZenBook Flip S 14, Acer Swift1/7 13.3, Acer Swift5/Spin7 14, Asus 14 Vivobook, RAZER Blade Stealth 13.3, 2019 HUAWEI MateBook 14 and most 13-13.3 Laptop, may not snugly fit all computers due to variations in the sizes of different models. MOSISO 1 year warranty on every bag.

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  • 1:Repeated measurement with real derives for better fitting and comfort. Several sizes offers to choose from2: Interior soft suede and exterior waterproof PU wrap your tablet like a baby, away from dust, scratches, minor drops and bumps3: Neat and tidy side seam, internal magnetic seal to keep tablet in place4:Built-in card holder in front under the flap, and a extra slot for papers, cables, keys in the back5: With snugly fits, this sleeve is slim and highly portable in your briefcase, backpack and other bag6: Each set is wrapped in polybag and packed in recycled cardboard linded with foam. Perfect gift for your loving ones.
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  • [ SLIM & LIGHTWEIGHT ]: Evecase Diamond Style Sleeve Case is Constructed with a Modern Slim & Lightweight Design Accommodate to Your Daily Needs.
  • [ FULL PROTECTION ]: Diamond style padded foam with extra cushioned interior provides ultimate protector for your electronic devices. Shock absorbing material protects against minor bumps and drops.
  • [ EASY TO CARRY & STORE ]: Easily Slide into a Backpack, Briefcase, Messenger Bag or any other Protective Bags.
  • [ DIMENSIONS ]: Outer dimension: 365 x 280 x 30mm (14.4 x 11 x 1.2 inches ), inner dimension: 352 x 265 x 20mm (13.9 x 10.4 x 0.8 inches )
  • [ COMPATIBLE WITH ]: Ideal for Most 13.3 to 14 inch chromebook laptop such as Apple MacBook Pro / Air 13.3inch, Microsoft Surface Book 2 15" / Pro 4, / Book, Acer Swift 7 2018 14", Switch 7 13.5", Chromebook 13, Asus E406SA 14inch, ZenBook S UX391UA / 13 UX331UN 13.3", HP Chromebook x360 14, ENVY x360 13 -y013cl 13.3", Envy 13, Stream 13 / 14 ax010nr, Pavilion x360, Lenovo IdeaPad 330 / 530S 14",ThinkPad T470 14", Samsung Notebook 9 / 9 Always / 9 Pen / 9 Pro.
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  • Important: 1.Before you purchase, please confirm that your MacBook's model number, the original Apple laptop battery's part number and your MacBook's version correctly match this replacement battery. 2.This Apple laptop battery is only for MacBooks manufactured in Early 2011 Late 2011 Mid 2012 version Compatible Part Numbers: Battery Model number: Apple MacBook Pro 17 inch A1309 Compatible with Laptop Models: MacBook Pro 17" 2009 MacBookPro 5,2 Aluminum Unibody A1297 Series MacBook Pro 17" 2010 MacBookPro 6,1 Aluminum Unibody A1297 Series MacBook Pro 17" MC226*/A, MC226CH/A, MC226J/A, MC226LL/A, MC226TA/A, MC226ZP/A Warranty Policy: 12 months worry-free product guarantee for every purchase from Puredick®. Professional technical support, Efficient and always satisfied customer service 24 * 7 available. Package included: 1 x Battery for Apple A1309 2 x Free Screwdrivers
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  • Compatible Models ? Dell UltraSharp 2001FP Dell 20.1" Flat Panel TFT LCD Monitor Dell 2100FP 20" LCD monitor It may also fit other models! Replace Part Number? Dell 2001FP, LCD Monitor R0423, 0R0423,LCD PA-9?LSE0202C2090
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OUTPUT: 19V 3.42A 65W Compatibility: This product has been tested and validated to ensure it will Repalce for Acer laptops and tablets Replace for:Acer Chromebook 11 C720, C720p, C740, CB3, R11 CB5; C720-2103, C720-2420, C720-2800, C720-2802, C720-2827, C720-2844, C720-2848, C720-3404, C720-3605, C720-3871, C720p-2457, C720p-2600, C720p-2625, C720p-2661, C720p-2666, C720p-2834 ZHM; C740-C3P1, C740-C4PE; CB3-111, CB3-111-C19A, CB3-111-C4HT, CB3-111-C4T3, CB3-111-C670, CB3-111-C6EQ, CB3-111-C8UB, CB3-111-C9DJ ZHQ; CB3-131, CB3-131-C3SZ 11.6" Hd Google Laptop; CB5-132T, CB5-132T-C32M Acer Chromebook 13 C810, CB5; C810-T7ZT, C810-T9CA; CB5-311, CB5-311-T1UU, CB5-311-T5BD, CB5-311-T5X0, CB5-311-T677, CB5-311-T7NN, CB5-311-T9B0, CB5-311-T9Y2; CB5-311P, CB5-311P-T9AB Acer Chromebook 14 CB3-431, CB3-431-C5FM, CB3-431-C5XK Acer Chromebook 15 C910, CB3, CB5; C910-3916, C910-54M1, C910-C37P, C910-C453; CB3-531, CB3-531-C4A5; CB5-571, CB5-571-362Q, CB5-571-58HF, CB5-571-C09S, CB5-571-C1DZ, CB5-571-C4T3, CB5-571-C5XU, CB5-571-C6DL, CB5-571-C7QN, CB5-571-C9DH Acer Aspire S5, S7, P3, R 13 R7, R 14 R5, V 13 V3: P3-131, P3-171, R5-471T, R7-371T, S5-391, S7-191, S7-391, S7-392, S7-393, V3-331, V3-371; R5-471T-51UN R5-471T-52EE, R5-471T-71W2 Ultrabook Netbook Acer Aspire One Cloudbook AO1-131, AO1-431, AO1-131-C9PM, AO1-131-C9RK, AO1-431-C8G8, AO1-431-C7F9 Acer Iconia Tab W700, W700P Tablet PC; W700-6454, W700-6465, W700-6495, W700-6499, W700-6602, W700-6607, W700-6680, W700-6691, W700-6831, W700P-6621, W700P-6821 Pa-1650-80, Np.adt11.00f

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  • 19 V ~ 3.42 A ~ 65 W de entrada: 100 – 240 V ~ 50/60Hz
  • Conector: 5.5 mm * 2.5 mm
  • Paquete: 1 x adaptador de CA & 1 x cable de alimentación de CA
  • Condición: 100% OEM Compatible, funciona como la parte original, 12 meses de garantía de sustitución.
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