Template tree


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Template variables
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Exborders FZE

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Enjoy the new standard in wireless Bluetooth headphones with FT Three3 earbuds that are completely wireless free.

They say music soothes the savage beast; which is especially true when you can enjoy that music completely free of complicated wiring that gets in your way while youre lifting, running or working out. Introducing the FT Three3 True Wireless Bluetooth Earbuds, a pair of high-fidelity headphones that arent connected to anything except your Bluetooth device!

A True Wireless Experience

Unlike other Bluetooth headsets that claim their wireless, FT Three3 has created in-ear headphones that truly are completely wireless. Our earbuds secure comfortably into each ear so you can listen to your favorite songs, radio stations and audio books without being connect to each other or your mobile device.

Live an Active Lifestyle

Perfect for athletes, busy moms and CrossFit enthusiasts, our headphones provide the same high-quality sound you expect for premier over-the-ear headphones, but at half the cost and without a single wire. So lift, twist, spin, jump, run and train like a professional and never worry about cords again.

Product Details:

  • True Wireless Earbuds (TWS)
  • Wireless Bluetooth 4.2
  • Active Noise Cancellation
  • High-Fidelity Sound
  • Built-In HD Microphone
  • Wireless Range: 10m
  • Charge Time: 1 Hour
  • Playback Time: one piece for about about 5 hours, and one pair for 2.5 hours
  • Standby Time: one piece for about 120 hours, and one pair for about 60 hours
  • Rechargeable

Order Includes:

  • X1T TWS Bluetooth Headset (Pair)
  • Three (3) Pairs of Ear Tips (S, M, L)
  • Two (2) USB Charging Cables
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Specs & Details Bluetooth Version: 4.2 Frequency: 2.4GHz Receive sensitivity: -90dBm Supports A2DP1.3/HFP1.6/HSP1.2/AVRCP1.6/DI1.3 Adopt the advanced CVC6.0 active noise-cancellation Battery capacity: 65mAh for left and right one Charging time: 1 hours Work time: one for 5-6 hours, and a set for 2-3 hours Stand-by time: one for 120 hours, and a set for 60 hours Wireless range: one for above 20m, and a set for above 10m Selectable colors: black,white,blue and pink What You Get 1 * X1T Allytech Bluetooth Headset 1 * USB Cable 2 * Earbud 1 * Pouch

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  • Type : Cables
  • Compatible with : Mobile Phones
  • Brand : iLUV
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  • Silicon Outside To Protect From Drops
  • Hard Plastic Shell
  • Screen Protecter Built In To Keep Screen Brand New
  • Dirt resistant/ Water resistant / Drop resistant
  • Quantity = 1x case + 1pc data cable (3ft-random color)
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  • Coming with 2 USB ports, you can charge two devices simultaneously. One is 5V-2.4A charging port, the other one with music icon is for reading USB disk or charging device.
  • With Vproof’s FM transmitter, you could enjoy your music via 3 methods: Bluetooth, SD card or USB flash disk. One-Click to answer calls clearly with microphone via the CVC noise cancellation technology; Seamlessly switches between incoming calls and music.
  • Just plug this transmitter into the car cigarette lighter, tune your car radio to any empty frequency and adjust your transmitter to the same frequency as the car radio, then it could be automatically searched and connected to your Android device next time via A2DP function, if the device had been connected before.
" ["category_ids"]=> array(1) { [0]=> int(193) } ["seo_name"]=> string(129) "elsse-car-bluetooth-fm-transmitter-wireless-for-car-with-dual-usb-charging-card-reading-aux-input-and-hands-free-calling-function" ["seo_path"]=> string(7) "190/193" ["average_rating"]=> NULL ["discussion_type"]=> string(1) "B" ["discussion_thread_id"]=> string(5) "11828" ["main_category"]=> int(193) ["ab__vg_videos"]=> bool(false) ["discussion_amount_posts"]=> int(0) ["variation_features"]=> array(0) { } ["main_pair"]=> array(5) { ["pair_id"]=> string(5) "28490" ["image_id"]=> string(1) "0" ["detailed_id"]=> string(5) "30452" ["position"]=> string(1) "0" ["detailed"]=> array(11) { ["object_id"]=> string(5) "14582" ["object_type"]=> string(7) "product" ["type"]=> string(1) "M" ["image_path"]=> string(57) "https://www.qazaan.com/images/detailed/30/41zy40JTv8L.jpg" ["alt"]=> string(0) "" ["image_x"]=> string(3) "500" ["image_y"]=> string(3) "500" ["http_image_path"]=> string(56) "http://www.qazaan.com/images/detailed/30/41zy40JTv8L.jpg" ["https_image_path"]=> string(57) "https://www.qazaan.com/images/detailed/30/41zy40JTv8L.jpg" ["absolute_path"]=> string(54) "/var/www/qazaan-com/images/detailed/30/41zy40JTv8L.jpg" ["relative_path"]=> string(27) "detailed/30/41zy40JTv8L.jpg" } } ["base_price"]=> string(9) "69.000000" ["selected_options"]=> array(0) { } ["has_options"]=> bool(false) ["product_options"]=> array(0) { } ["list_discount"]=> int(14) ["list_discount_prc"]=> string(2) "17" ["discounts"]=> array(2) { ["A"]=> int(0) ["P"]=> int(0) } ["qty_content"]=> array(1) { [0]=> string(1) "1" } ["detailed_params"]=> array(15) { ["get_icon"]=> bool(true) ["get_detailed"]=> bool(true) ["get_additional"]=> bool(true) ["get_options"]=> bool(true) ["get_discounts"]=> bool(true) ["get_features"]=> bool(false) ["get_extra"]=> bool(false) ["get_taxed_prices"]=> bool(true) ["get_for_one_product"]=> bool(false) ["detailed_params"]=> bool(true) ["features_display_on"]=> string(1) "C" ["get_variation_info"]=> bool(true) ["get_variation_features_variants"]=> bool(true) ["get_variation_name"]=> bool(true) ["get_product_type"]=> bool(false) } } [14583]=> array(73) { ["product_id"]=> string(5) "14583" ["product"]=> string(46) "OEM LG Charger MCS-04WD With 2.0 5FT Micro USB" ["company_name"]=> string(14) "Exborders FZE" ["product_type"]=> string(1) "P" ["parent_product_id"]=> string(1) "0" ["product_code"]=> string(7) "3221663" ["status"]=> string(1) "A" ["company_id"]=> string(3) "115" ["list_price"]=> string(5) "47.00" ["vendor_price"]=> string(5) "31.50" ["amount"]=> string(1) "1" ["weight"]=> string(5) "0.000" ["length"]=> string(1) "0" ["width"]=> string(1) "0" ["height"]=> string(1) "0" ["shipping_freight"]=> string(4) "0.00" ["low_avail_limit"]=> string(1) "0" ["timestamp"]=> string(10) "1562157193" ["updated_timestamp"]=> string(10) "1582705816" ["usergroup_ids"]=> string(1) "0" ["is_edp"]=> string(1) "N" ["edp_shipping"]=> string(1) "N" ["unlimited_download"]=> string(1) "N" ["tracking"]=> string(1) "B" ["free_shipping"]=> string(1) "N" ["zero_price_action"]=> string(1) "R" ["is_pbp"]=> string(1) "N" ["is_op"]=> string(1) "N" ["is_oper"]=> string(1) "N" ["is_returnable"]=> string(1) "Y" ["return_period"]=> string(2) "10" ["avail_since"]=> string(1) "0" ["out_of_stock_actions"]=> string(1) "S" ["localization"]=> string(0) "" ["min_qty"]=> string(1) "1" ["max_qty"]=> string(1) "0" ["qty_step"]=> string(1) "1" ["list_qty_count"]=> string(1) "0" ["tax_ids"]=> string(1) "6" ["age_verification"]=> string(1) "N" ["age_limit"]=> string(1) "0" ["options_type"]=> string(1) "P" ["exceptions_type"]=> string(1) "F" ["details_layout"]=> string(7) "default" ["shipping_params"]=> string(126) "a:5:{s:16:"min_items_in_box";i:0;s:16:"max_items_in_box";i:0;s:10:"box_length";i:0;s:9:"box_width";i:0;s:10:"box_height";i:0;}" ["facebook_obj_type"]=> string(0) "" ["__variation_code"]=> NULL ["__variation_options"]=> NULL ["__is_default_variation"]=> string(1) "N" ["buy_now_url"]=> string(0) "" ["price"]=> string(9) "41.000000" ["short_description"]=> string(0) "" ["full_description"]=> string(515) "
  • Original Manufacturer: LG Input Plug type: US Plug Output Plug type: USB Input: 100-240V~50/50Hz 0.3A Output: 5.0V===1.8A
  • Compatible with: LG G2 D802 LG G2 Sprint LS980 LG G2 T-Mobile D801 LG G2 Verizon VS980 LG G2 F320S LG G2 F320K LG G2 F320L LG G2 AT&T D800
  • 1.8A LG MCS-04WD USB Power Adapter + LG DC05WK-G Micro USB Data Cable.
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Just Drop & Charge
? Simply install the case on your iPhone and then perfectly place it on the wireless charging pad to get powered up instantly.
? Note : If your iPhone no remind charging, please move your phone a little.

Input : DC 5V 1.5A~2A
Output : 1A (MAX)
Operation Frequency: 100-205Khz
Wireless Efficiency: ?72%

Worry-Free After-Sale Service
? 12-Month REPLACEMENT Warranty
? 30 Days MONEY BACK Guarantee
? Don't Work/Broken, Free Replacement or Refund

Warm Reminder

? Please must use 2A wall AC adapter (not included) connection to the charger base for the best results.
? Don't connect to the computer, because output from computer is only 500-800mA.
? iPhone's sensor will automatically shut off charging or appear "non-supported message" when it detects the power source is not strong enough (at least 1A) to support consistent charging.

? It's normal for the pad and phone get warm slightly during inductive charging.
? They may get even warmer if you use your phone during charging, for example using GPS or playing games, music etc.

? Please don't frequently plug / unplug the connector on the case, it will cause the damage of connector.

What's in Box ?
1×Antye Wireless Charger Case for iPhone 7 Plus
1×Antye Wireless Charging Pad
1×MicroUSB Cable

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Function button:
Phone call:Press once--answer/hung up; Press for 3s--reject.
Music:Press once--play/pause; Press twice--next song; Press three times--last song.

Frequency response range: 20Hz-20KHz
Impedance: 32 ohms
Signal: 104±4db
Cable length(Y style): 1.31yd
Plug: 3.5mm plug
Product Dimensions:8 x 4.5 x 1.1 inches

1 X Necklace earphone

Note:Without Retail Box,and this is imitation pearl necklace chain style headphones is not the real pearls.

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Minimum focus distance: 3m
Magnification: 8X
Field of view: 246m
Angle of view: 7
Size: 30x70mm

1.8 Zoom Telephoto Lens for Most of the smartphone
2.Lens made from imported optical glass, lens surface coating
3.With this lens, you can see the image 8X enlarge on your Cell phone
4.Take picture by attaching this lens in front of the cell phone camera
5.With the Universal clip, the lens can easily be attached for use and removed when not needed

Package Conclude:
1x Telephoto Lens
Note: Accessory Only! Phone not include£¡

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  • Tired of holding your phone/tablet while you are Make video calls or video conferencing?our Nulaxy stand solve these problem easily, enabling you to effortlessly read, watch movies, record video and much more.
  • It is made by Aerospace aluminum scratch-resistant material with elegant and fashion spirit.multi angle -- easily set the tilt angle you prefer, set it into an angle to Watch a video, read or type; you can even set the stand up and have your tablet or smart phone record a video while it is set up.fits home & office:1).
  • this premium desktop holders is ideal for kitchen while you are cooking and you need recipe from tablet;2). great for when using at desks, tables and kitchen counters;3). perfect for a business trip, hold your tablet sturdy while video meeting;4). also could using on a plane for holding your tablet on the pull down tray;5). ideal for watching videos through YouTube etc?.
" ["category_ids"]=> array(1) { [0]=> int(195) } ["seo_name"]=> string(174) "multi-angle-aluminum-stand-released-nov.-2015-nulaxy-rotary-smartphone-tablets-stand-for-iphone-6-6s-plus-ipad-note-5-s6-edge-lg-sony-nexus-motorola-most-mobile-devices-black" ["seo_path"]=> string(7) "190/195" ["average_rating"]=> NULL ["discussion_type"]=> string(1) "B" ["discussion_thread_id"]=> string(5) "11837" ["main_category"]=> int(195) ["ab__vg_videos"]=> bool(false) ["discussion_amount_posts"]=> int(0) ["variation_features"]=> array(0) { } ["main_pair"]=> array(5) { ["pair_id"]=> string(5) "28495" ["image_id"]=> string(1) "0" ["detailed_id"]=> string(5) "30457" ["position"]=> string(1) "0" ["detailed"]=> array(11) { ["object_id"]=> string(5) "14587" ["object_type"]=> string(7) "product" ["type"]=> string(1) "M" ["image_path"]=> string(57) "https://www.qazaan.com/images/detailed/30/413w74neArL.jpg" ["alt"]=> string(0) "" ["image_x"]=> string(3) "500" ["image_y"]=> string(3) "500" ["http_image_path"]=> string(56) "http://www.qazaan.com/images/detailed/30/413w74neArL.jpg" ["https_image_path"]=> string(57) "https://www.qazaan.com/images/detailed/30/413w74neArL.jpg" ["absolute_path"]=> string(54) "/var/www/qazaan-com/images/detailed/30/413w74neArL.jpg" ["relative_path"]=> string(27) "detailed/30/413w74neArL.jpg" } } ["base_price"]=> string(9) "62.000000" ["selected_options"]=> array(0) { } ["has_options"]=> bool(false) ["product_options"]=> array(0) { } ["list_discount"]=> int(12) ["list_discount_prc"]=> string(2) "16" ["discounts"]=> array(2) { ["A"]=> int(0) ["P"]=> int(0) } ["qty_content"]=> array(1) { [0]=> string(1) "1" } ["detailed_params"]=> array(15) { ["get_icon"]=> bool(true) ["get_detailed"]=> bool(true) ["get_additional"]=> bool(true) ["get_options"]=> bool(true) ["get_discounts"]=> bool(true) ["get_features"]=> bool(false) ["get_extra"]=> bool(false) ["get_taxed_prices"]=> bool(true) ["get_for_one_product"]=> bool(false) ["detailed_params"]=> bool(true) ["features_display_on"]=> string(1) "C" ["get_variation_info"]=> bool(true) ["get_variation_features_variants"]=> bool(true) ["get_variation_name"]=> bool(true) ["get_product_type"]=> bool(false) } } [14588]=> array(73) { ["product_id"]=> string(5) "14588" ["product"]=> string(59) "Aluminum Dust Plug Set Beautiful Anodized Finish Custom Fit" ["company_name"]=> string(14) "Exborders FZE" ["product_type"]=> string(1) "P" ["parent_product_id"]=> string(1) "0" ["product_code"]=> string(7) "5492954" ["status"]=> string(1) "A" ["company_id"]=> string(3) "115" ["list_price"]=> string(5) "63.00" ["vendor_price"]=> string(5) "42.00" ["amount"]=> string(1) "1" ["weight"]=> string(5) "0.000" ["length"]=> string(1) "0" ["width"]=> string(1) "0" ["height"]=> string(1) "0" ["shipping_freight"]=> string(4) "0.00" ["low_avail_limit"]=> string(1) "0" ["timestamp"]=> string(10) "1562157193" ["updated_timestamp"]=> string(10) "1582702886" ["usergroup_ids"]=> string(1) "0" ["is_edp"]=> string(1) "N" ["edp_shipping"]=> string(1) "N" ["unlimited_download"]=> string(1) "N" ["tracking"]=> string(1) "B" ["free_shipping"]=> string(1) "N" ["zero_price_action"]=> string(1) "R" ["is_pbp"]=> string(1) "N" ["is_op"]=> string(1) "N" ["is_oper"]=> string(1) "N" ["is_returnable"]=> string(1) "Y" ["return_period"]=> string(2) "10" ["avail_since"]=> string(1) "0" ["out_of_stock_actions"]=> string(1) "S" ["localization"]=> string(0) "" ["min_qty"]=> string(1) "1" ["max_qty"]=> string(1) "0" ["qty_step"]=> string(1) "1" ["list_qty_count"]=> string(1) "0" ["tax_ids"]=> string(1) "6" ["age_verification"]=> string(1) "N" ["age_limit"]=> string(1) "0" ["options_type"]=> string(1) "P" ["exceptions_type"]=> string(1) "F" ["details_layout"]=> string(7) "default" ["shipping_params"]=> string(126) "a:5:{s:16:"min_items_in_box";i:0;s:16:"max_items_in_box";i:0;s:10:"box_length";i:0;s:9:"box_width";i:0;s:10:"box_height";i:0;}" ["facebook_obj_type"]=> string(0) "" ["__variation_code"]=> NULL ["__variation_options"]=> NULL ["__is_default_variation"]=> string(1) "N" ["buy_now_url"]=> string(0) "" ["price"]=> string(9) "54.000000" ["short_description"]=> string(0) "" ["full_description"]=> string(1462) "
  • "Perfect fit for iPhone ports, even with cases" Are you tired of bad connections and costly repairs for your iPhone 6? Now it's easy to keep water, sand, dust dirt and grime OUT of your iPhone 6 ports for good Custom built for iPhone 6, 6s, 6s Plus The molded silicone of this dust plug set snugly fits the ports of your iPhone, meaning NO dirt, liquid, sand, dust, or anything else will get in.
  • This set includes both USB/Lightning and headphone plugs for your iPhone 6. Easy-to-use & Remove Whether you're using your iPhone at the gym, in the park, at the beach or just at home, it's always easy to plug in and protect the ports of your favorite device! When you want to charge or listen, simply remove the plug and clip it to your headphone cord with the included holders. Eye-catching Aluminum Design These plugs feature a beautiful anodized aluminum finish and a stylish metallic blue color.
  • Not only do these protect your iPhone 6 - they also enhance its appearance! The high quality aluminum ensures a durable, long-lasting product. Includes plug holder clips! When you buy one set of port plugs you'll also get a holder clip for each plug.
  • This means you can take your plugs with you anywhere for easy transport. Click the "Add to Cart" button in the top right corner of the screen right now to have your iPhone 6 Port Plugs shipped immediately to your door. Don't wait - order your iPhone 6 port plugs today!
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The front camera is a replacement for iPhone 6s Plus model.Repairing with this replacement part, you will get as perfect as the original photos and videos effective again. Let's enjoy a wonderful cost effective DIY repair !

Product Features:
- Compatible with: iPhone 6s Plus 5.5"A1687(GSM),A1687(CDMA),A1634,A1699(ALL CARRIERS)
- 100% Brand New
- High Quality
- Fix for: front camera/mic/proximity sensor issues

Warm Tips:

1.Working Principle:The original LCD screen cover board is made of special precision materials and special technology,it's very thin with best light transmission;but the high copy LCD screen is made of ordinary materials,it's not thin enough with bad light transmission,that could cause the proximity sensor can't sense and out of work.(so it's better to have a check about your lcd screen,if had replaced a new lcd screen replacement before,may cause proximity sensor still not work after installed.)
2.Installation Guide is NOT including in the package.
3.Although easy to install,we still recommend you find a professional to install.
4.Comes in antistatic bag for safe transportation.
5.All of the replacements must be departed from static electricity.

Package included:
1x Front camera replacement part for iPhone 6s Plus model

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Brand new and High quality.
New replacement Parts for iPhone 6s/6s Plus.
Compatible with iPhone 6s /6s Plus.
Replace your broken, damaged, cracked, unusable Original part.
No instructions manual include.
Highly recommend professional install.
We won't responsible for any damage due to improper operation.
Goliton is a registered trademark protected by the United States Trademark Law. Goliton products are sold by authorized sellers with Goliton package only.

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Tips: 1: If your display glass is cracked, keep further breakage contained and prevent bodily harm during your repair by taping the glass. 2:Wear safety glasses to protect your eyes from any glass shaken free during the repair. Attention Please: A:Do not install the item immediately after received. Please try to check the item function by just plug the flex connector to your phone firstly. Please make sure to test it first. Determining quality is fine, work properly, no scratches no finger print or others and then installed. Once after installed, would no longer accept returns. Thank you for your cooperation! B:The flex cable is very sensitive and is easily damaged. Handle carefully. C:The installation of any new part should be done by a qualified person. VEKIR is not responsible for any damage caused during installation.

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  • This TPU screen protector Designed Features: Made with ultra thin scratch-resistant, oleophobic-coated Premium TPU material ,The 3D touch function works really well on such 0.1mm screen protectors. (93% more sensitive than glass screen protectors) Highly durable and scratch resistantip resistant, Protector will guarantee your cell phone the best protection against drops, bumps, scratches and normal wear and tear. Please Note: Due to the curved-edge design of ,Please use the little smaller for phone case,This is to prevent the protector from overlaying these curved edges which can lead to unwanted bubbling and peeling up around the edges.
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  • OMOTON: Two Pack Blackberry KEYone Tempered Glass screen protector with 9H hardness and Crystal Clear.
  • Customized Installation VideoFor your maximum convenience to apply this Blackberry KEYone screen protector, we offer an installation guide video.
  • You can find the video link in the user manual. Made by tempered glassBy undergoing more than 4.5 hours of high temperature temper treatment, this Blackberry KEYone screen protector's compression strength reach as high as 125MPa, 5 times higher than regular glass.
  • Scratch terminator 9H Hardness, harder than a knife's blade. it is not exaggerated to say this screen protector is terminator to any possible scratches by keys, knife or other sharp objects. High Transparency 99.99% transparency preserves the original screen brightness.
  • You can enjoy a great viewing experience with more brightness and less glare.
  • High responseOnly 0.26mm thickness maintains original response sensitivity, which ensures quick app launch, smooth games and video playing. Smudges and Fingerprint Resistant The hydrophobic oleophobic coating largely reduces smudges and fingerprint. You keep your screen clean by a simple wipe.
  • Package Includes: 1. OMOTON Blackberry KEYone screen protector x 2 2. Wet wipes x 23.
  • Microfiber cloth 4. Dust removal and Guide sticker 5. Installation instruction6. Bubble removal cardPls kindly note: As the screen of Blackberry KEYone is round edged, the screen protector could not cover the cell phone's screen full, so the screen protector is a little smaller than the cell phone's screen. The size of our screen protector is the largest at current condition.OMOTON, Better than you expect!
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