Template tree


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Template variables
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Exborders FZE

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Pair your speaker within the 30 feet range with any Bluetooth enabled device
NFC instant connection technology
RMS 2Wx 2
Built-in microphone for handsfree call
Built-in rechargeable battery for 6hs (base on half volume) music play

Connectivity: Bluetooth4.0 , NFC, AUX
Transmission distance: 30 feet
USB recharge voltage: DC 5V
Output power: 2W x 2
Frequency response: 80Hz-20KHz
Signal to noise ratio (SNR): >= 85dB
Working time: up to 6 hours
Stand by time: 300 hours
Dimension (L x W x H): 5.9 x 1.37 x 5.7
Package Include:
1 x Speaker
1 x USB cable
1 x Audio cable
1 x User Manual
Please Note:
There is NO volume controller on the speaker, you can control volume via Smartphone or other Bluetooth devices.

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  • Subwoofer crossover -1 Channel
  • 200 W RMS-400 W peak
  • 120 Hz low pass.
  • 12 dB of octave inclination at 4 ohms.
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  • The Pyle Home PDIWS10 in-wall subwoofer system delivers bass to any room in your home or office without cluttering floor space.
  • Included in the kit is the mounting hardware for installation, and a template for existing construction.
  • For new construction, consider one of Pyle's mounting brackets for precise installation.
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  • FEATURES: - Splash Proof Water Resistant Construction - Built-in Microphone & Speaker for Audio Recording - Rugged & Durable Engineered Construction - Simple One-Button Video Record Ability - Video File Format: .MP4 - Image File Format: .JPEG
  • Lightweight, Portable, Versatile & Wearable Body Camera - Night Vision Illumination - Ability to Instantly Playback Captured Media Files (Audio +Video) - Date + Time Setting / Display - Displays Video Recording Time/Memory Remaining - Body Camera
  • Multi-Functional: Camera + Camcorder + Voice Recorder - 2.0'' Digital LCD Display - 32 GB Built-in Memory - Auto Exposure & Picture Adjustment - Motion Detector Function - Capture Over 7+ Hours of Video Picture Snapping: Record Full HD 1080p+ Video, Snap up to 18MP Hi-Res Images - High-Powered LED Flashlight - Rechargeable Battery - Power Saving, Auto Standby Ability - Loop Recording Ability - Simple One-Button Image Snap Ability - Audio File Format: .WAV
  • Marine Grade IP-67 Rating - Built-in Night Vision: 6 IR LED Lights - LCD Display: 960 x 240 Output, 16:9 USB Port: Type 2.0 Connection - Extra Wide 270° Degree Adjustable Angle Lens - Imaging Sensor: 1/2'' Full Color CMOS Electronic Shutter: 1/2 - 1/2000s - Battery: 2100mAh, 3.7V (Up to 8+ Hours Recording 720p)
  • WHAT'S IN THE BOX: Body Camera + Keychain Wireless Remote Control + USB Wall Adapter & Charging Cable + Additional Battery + Charging Dock + Mounting Clip
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  • Besteker NEW 1080P Camcorder with WIFI Function-A perfect starter camera at an affordable price. New Besteker camcorder functions: SONY IMX179 8MP sensor, upgrade built-in chip, can be attach an external microphone to reduce noise and improve video sound quality.
  • WIFI function: Use mobile phone download "LzxViewer" APP to connect your camcorder.
  • You can directly use the phone to remote control the camera for video recording.
  • This camera is very versatile and easy to use for any ages. A great camera to record athletic sport events, musical, fishing and other activities. A practical camcorder for home and tourism. Lightweight and compact. It's a great gift for your friends and kids.
  • Good To Know: Please read the user manual carefully before usage! Please charge the 2 batteries up to 5 hours for the first time! Please pay attention to focus range: Normal 1.5m to infinity! You can adjust the exposure to improve the video quality! Please buy a new or formatted SD/SDHC card when using camcorder! Support to attach an external 37mm wide angle lens.
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  • BEST OPTION - Why Should You Choose To guard 7 Dual Lens Mirror Dash Cam Wide and Clear 7 Touchscreen The 7" touchscreen is pretty responsive, beautiful and large. The display for settings, video recording, photo taking and playback are on the mirror itself which is touch sensitive.
  • Different Viewing Modes Several different viewing modes including front, rear, split, and Pip.
  • IPS Touch Screen & Well Designed and Simple Interface IPS display is ultra wider and clearer than LCD display, enjoy real-time recording and monitor when driving; The interface is easy to navigate and set the multi-function menu.
  • Reversing Camera Kit for Safe Parking The rear view cam switch to the full screen HD reversing image including the reverse with line assist when the vehicle is in reverse, no need to turn around and easy to park with the help of guidelines.
  • Powerful Functions G-sensor will auto-lock the recorded video when collision detected in the event off an accident its all there for your insurance company.
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  • Features: High-definition and wide viewing angles. Suitable for guard and security.
  • Professional exterior waterproof car rear view camera, easy to install and operate.
  • 1/3 Inch Color CMOS. PAL/NTSC TV system. 120° Visible Range.
  • 5 Infrared Night Vision LED. Perfectly solve the issue of bad car rear view effect.
  • Specifications: Image Device: 1/3 Inch Color CMOS TV System: PAL/NTSC Sync.
  • System: Internal Electronic Shutter: 1/60-1/15,000 seconds Resolution: 420 TV lines Lens Angle: 120 degree Lens: 3.6mm Power Supply: DC 12V Operating Temperature: -10°C~ 50°C, RH95% Max Storage Temperature: -30°C ~ 60°C, RH90% Max How to USE: Mount the camera at the back of the car(on the license plate, or other suitable place).
  • Connect the video output connector to terminal display device. Connect another power input connector to power output device.
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  • OldShark is a brand professional in car video product, with 17 years' Experience, we dedicated to creating car Camera that improve the safety, and reliable of every driving. It provides OEM and ODM services for numerous famous brands around the world.
  • Little money saves you big trouble OldShark GS505 dash cam equipped with Novatec best 96650 chipset, and with retardant metal material and shock absorption design, it has better quality compare these equal price dash cam in market.
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As insurance cost keeps climbing up, if the HD video proof could work for you just once, you could save more money than the price of this dash cam.

The X1 Dash Cam has a number of modern solutions, useful for all drivers. The dashcam starts recording immediately after turning on the ignition. It has a night mode ensuring high quality recordings also in poor lighting conditions. The WDR system will make no detail escapes the F1.6 high quality camera lens.

The X1 Dash Cam records Full HD videos (1920 * 1080p) at 30 fps with H.264! The use of six-glass F1.6 lenses and an extremely sensitive AR0330 sensor ensure excellent quality. As a result, the video quality is very detailed and smooth.

Why To Choose X1
* Patent Pending GPS built-in suction cup mount. No more tangled cables like other brands! Less clutter on your windshield.
* Exclusive supreme quality GPS module made in Japan
* Professional Windows & Mac GPS video data player software with Google Maps Route Animation
* Premium real HD quality video(1920x1080) for day and night use
* Quick-response support team provides worry-free solutions
* We care about our customers!

GPS Feature
Built-in GPS module precisely record GPS data into video clips, and you can check vehicle location/speed/route on Google Map through included KDLINKS Dash Cam Player Software.

Safety First
Emergency Lock Button & Accident Auto Detection Feature (G-Sensor) can lock current video file for you.

High Quality Li-polymer 3.7v 110mah battery can bear high/low temperature, with official MSDS report and the most strict PONY Lab Certificate

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  • Full hd 1080p @30fps loop recording
  • View download videos to your smartphone thru wi-fi module
  • Ships from the usa
  • Delivers in 1-3 weeks
  • Price includes custom duties and all other applicable taxes
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  • SUPREME SOUND: Ink'd 2 features Supreme Sound technology producing attacking, powerful bass, warm, natural vocals, and precision highs.
  • FLAT CABLE: The ultra-durable flat cable decreases nasty tangles and provides a unique look that is built to last.
  • ONE-BUTTON REMOTE AND MIC: A single button in-line remote with mic can take and make calls, play and pause music and cycle through tracks.
  • FIT YOUR STYLE: With unique color options, you can add a splash of individuality to your listening experience.
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  • SIS Cell stands with Clip, Flexible Long Arms for Phone, GPS Devices, Fit On Desktop Bed Mobile Stand for Bedroom, Office, Bathroom, Kitchen (blue)
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  • Fits perfectly on the Samsung Galaxy S7 Edge.
  • Ringke Onyx is the newest and latest style in our rugged line of defense for the Galaxy S7 Edge.
  • New impressive design features premium, tough pliable TPU material for extra duty protection and textured layout with a mechanical design.
  • The precise slim fit stays perfect and true to preserve all the sleek profile of the Samsung Galaxy S7 Edge (2016).
  • Full degree protection covers all four corners and side edges on your new Samsung Galaxy S7 Edge.
  • Super thin and lightweight, there's no chance in weighing down or bulking up your slim device.
  • Highly durable specialized thermoplastic urethane material case is perfectly compatible and secures your device in a comfortable fit for vital protection against scratches or scrapes.
  • Precise and smooth cutouts give comfortable access to all your much needed function ports and buttons.
  • A slim raised front lip also protects your screen from touching the flat surface and rear camera is protected with a back tapered lip.
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  • Easy installation, no need of extra tools, just clip the mount to your steering wheel in a second
  • Elastic fixation design: With elastic fixation rubber band, the size of steering wheel won't effect the installation
  • Protection: the device is embedded with soft silicone pad, which protect you phone from scratching or gash, etc
  • Compatibility: The cell phone clip opening is up to 86mm, fits for cell phone up to 5.5 inches
  • Works with all smartphones and GPS devices, can hold devices encased in covers and cases
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  • Protection: The Zizo [Bolt Series] meets 12 Feet Military Grade Drop Test 810.1-G Certification. Certified to protect your phone
  • Endless Possibilities: Equipped with a built-in kickstand, you can now enjoy your phone hands free
  • iPhone 7 Plus Screen Protector: a Zizo [Lightning Shield] 0.33mm 9H hardness and 100% clarity Tempered Glass Screen Protector is included free with every purchase
  • iPhone 8 Plus Case: The ZIZO BOLT Series is compatible with the Apple iPhone 8 Plus and iPhone 7 Plus
  • Apple iPhone 7 PLUS Case : The Zizo Bolt Series is compatible with iPhone 7 PLUS / and iPhone 8 PLUS. Zizo Bolt case is compatible with the Zizo Wireless Qi Charger
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  • MILITARY GRADE DROP TESTED | BOLT features a dual-layer design to disperse impact force when dropped. The ZIZO BOLT Series exceeds 12 Feet Military Grade Drop Test 810.1-G standards
  • HOLSTER BELT CLIP | The ZIZO BOLT holster features a 360 degree rotatable clip, hidden card slot, and a built-in kickstand to provide additional versatility and functionality.
  • With the ZIZO BOLT Series your Samsung Galaxy A10e is ready to tag along for the journey. By combining a shock-absorbing core and a rugged outer shell, the BOLT Series provides the ultimate heavy-duty protection.
  • Adventure Bundle | Includes ZIZO BOLT Case, Tempered Glass Screen Protector, Holster Belt Clip, and ZIZO lanyard.
  • Designed for Samsung Galaxy A10e | The ZIZO BOLT Series is Built For Adventure and backed by ZIZO Lifetime warranty
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